The Safety Village Legacy
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Safety Village of Windsor Partnership and Legacy
Adopt-A-Vet is both excited and proud to start fundraising for this project, as it will help keep the veterans stories alive for years to come. Adopt-A-Vet plans on embarking on a partnership with the Safety Village of Windsor, to facilitate a small replica armory. This building will have interactive displays depicting local veterans and their stories, allowing the veterans to connect with the new generation. This will allow the children and adults to learn a little about the local heroes that are sadly leaving us at a very quick pace. Before these fine soldiers move on, we want to have them interact with the new generation so that they will never be forgotten.
If you are interested in helping with this project, please become a sponsor. These sponsorships not only help with the events we hold for the vets, but also our initiative to keep their legacy alive for the new generations to learn the history of local heroes. This will give the veterans a legacy they know will continue years after they are gone. You will get your name/business on the donors wall, which will be there for all to see the appreciation you have for the veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces.
I will be updating this page continually, keeping everyone informed on where we are with this project. Please if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, and remember every penny donated goes towards our mission, so you know exactly what your money is going towards.

We are all free today because of the sacrifices they made. Thank you for your interest in helping this great cause.
Never forgotten in life… Or in Death.
London, ON
Edmonton, AB
Toronto, on (Coming soon)