About Adopt-A-Vet
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Our Story
Adopt-A-Vet started in 2014 as we were worried there were veterans in our community living in long term care facilities, that have outlived their families, and are now left in solitude during the holidays. Adopt-A-Vet founders decided something needed to be done. That Christmas they threw in some money which was used to get some gifts and stockings for veterans at one of the local nursing homes. Seeing the smiles on their faces, and the gratitude they had, there was no doubt in any of our minds that this was something that needed to be done all the time.
In 2015, we asked some of our friends on social media if they would like to help. With their support, it allowed us to once again to visit some vets bringing them smiles which they certainly have earned.
In 2016, we were able to not only raise enough money to run the event for the veterans, but also raised enough to establish ourselves as a federally recognized non-profit organization. By doing this, We hope to raise more money, allowing us to have events though the year for the veterans, as well as an annual Christmas event.
During the pandemic in 2021 we started looking at expanding our organization to other communities a cross Canada as we want to help as many veterans as possible. Please keep an eye open to the new locations opening across the country and know anyone that has supported this cause has been a part of helping veterans across the country
Our Mission
Adopt-A-Vet’s missions are:
1. Ensure all veterans do not feel left alone and un-appreciated, especially over the holidays. We realized that this was an issue where some veterans were left in solidtude after having outlived their families. Adopt-A-Vet brings them gifts, as well as spends time sharing stories and camaraderie that all of us long for having served in the Candian Armed Forces at one point in our lives.
2. Ensure stories of local heroes do not fall forgotten by the new generation. Adopt-A-Vet plans on doing this by establishing a partnership with the Safety Village of Windsor, to build a small interactive armory where veterans can interact with the youth and adults that visit the facility. Adopt-A-Vet will also make a video to play inside the building allowing people to hear stories told by our local veteran’s.
Never forgotten in life……or in death.
With Your Help, we can make sure Canadian Veterans know how much they mean to us.
Any donations made to us go 100% to adopt-a-vet missions. When supporting Adopt-A-Vet by purchasing merchandise or giving donations that money goes directly to helping make their holidays be more joyful. Thank you for being apart of making the lives of the veterans who gave us our freedoms more enjoyable.
A Letter from the Board
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page. I would like to personally thank all of our supporters that have assisted Adopt-A-Vet us get where we are today. To better relate to the veterans we serve, our directors are comprised mainly of current serving and retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Having all served, we share the same vision which is to ensure veterans are never forgotten, and we are doing everything possible to ensure that never happens.
Any help is appreciated, whether it be sharing the site with friends and family, making a donation or giving feedback. We are constantly seeking corporate sponsorships to develop ideas that would benefit our cause and also create community activities for all to enjoy. If your company would like to partner with this amazing cause, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I look forward to hearing from new partners who feel these veterans deserve something special.
Sincerely Yours,
Brad Krewench, CD
Our Partners & Sponsors

We are all free today because of the sacrifices they made. Thank you for your interest in helping this great cause.
Never forgotten in life… Or in Death.
London, ON
Edmonton, AB
Toronto, on (Coming soon)