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Adopt-A-Vet is comprised of current and retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces whose common vision is to make sure no Veteran is forgotten and never feels alone (especially over the holidays). Adopt-A-Vet achieves this primarily through their holiday campaign, where they spend time with the Veterans bringing them gifts and sharing camaraderie, which is the least we can do for the sacrifices they made for us. Our second goal is to ensure their stories are never forgotten and are hoping to achieve this by partnering with the Safety Village of Windsor. Having the Safety Village as a partner will allow the community to interact with the veterans, allowing the new generation to hear stories and learn the history of our local heroes. Adopt-A-Vet will do anything it can to ensure all their missions are successful.
Windsor, ON
edmonton, AB
London, ON
Toronto, on (coming soon!)

We are all free today because of the sacrifices they made. Thank you for your interest in helping this great cause.
Never forgotten in life… Or in Death.
London, ON
Edmonton, AB
Toronto, on (Coming soon)