Donate Today
Become an intricate part of the Adopt-A-Vet mission and donate today
By donating today know that you have done something that will make an old veteran smile around the holidays, as well as assist in the construction of our small Armoury at The Safety Village in Windsor. Your generosity makes you an intricate part of the Adopt-A-Vet mission. Without the help of generous donors like yourself, we would not be able to accomplish the things we do.
100% of all proceeds go towards the Adopt-A-Vet mission to ensure the veterans do not feel left alone or feel forgotten. We thank you in advance for any donation as we could not do what we do without the help and support from people like you.
Adopt-A-Vet is a Federally recognized Non-Profit Corporation, which means we can not provide CRA Tax Receipts.

We are all free today because of the sacrifices they made. Thank you for your interest in helping this great cause.
Never forgotten in life… Or in Death.
London, ON
Edmonton, AB
Toronto, on (Coming soon)